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Copyright © 2014 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.


Copyright © 2014 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

Is it her?

Copyright © 2013 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

In a world in motion [...]

Copyright © 2012 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

Old Italian Fiat

Copyright © 2012 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

Sunset in Marina di Carrara

Copyright © 2011 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

With feet in the water

Copyright © 2011 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

2 under 1 moon

Copyright © 2011 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.


Copyright © 2010 Criss-AC.net. All rights reserved.

27 December, 2009

Amintind de Revolutie

Acum 20 de ani au iesit in strada. Au iesit, satui de viata care le-a fost impusa. Satui de comandantul prea-iubit. Satui de foame. …ce paradox. Au iesit sa ceara schimbare. In schimb, au primit moarte. Timisoreni, bucuresteni, oameni din toata tara. Au murit pentru ca au dorit un viitor mai bun. Au murit pentru schimbare. Dupa 20 de ani trecuti acum, ce e diferit? Ce s-a schimbat?

*De la frate-miu pe YouTube.

24 December, 2009

Craciunul vine intai pe reteaua lu’ lord Vodafon

Ca sa se instaleze in casa si sufletul meu, Craciun o inceput a curje incet-incet prin SMS, pe megahertzii lu’ Vodafon, direct in telefonu’ cela. Cea mai practica metoda. Selectezi toate contactele din addressbook, apoi Send SMS –> Send All. Am… primit 3 SMS-uri de Craciun. Toate, ori cu lumini, ori spirite (de Craciun in casa mea), ori cu calduri (sunt –15 afara). Ce dragut, am zis. Dar nu am raspuns nici unuia. De ce?
A. 3 SMS-uri. De la 3 persoane diferite. Persoanele diferite – SMS-urile identice.
B. Mi sunt adresate la plural. Sa “ne” aduca Domnu’ caldura. Sa “ne” fie masa plina. Sa “ne” fie bine tot anu’ de vine. Sa “ne” coboare cea lumina in suflete. (Iar de nu, sa il dau mai departe + “scz de mass”?)
C. Ultima oara cand m-am numarat, eram unu’.
D. Si-au amintit ca exist si ma manifest (intr-o forma singulara sau alta) doar de Sarbatori.
Oameni buni care ajungeti pe aici, va urez doar ca Mosu’ sa vina bogat. Sa care in sacu’ cela mare si rosu tot ce va lipseste (de care stiti si de care nu stiti). Nu mai zic mai mult (ca restu’ “binecuvantarilor” le-ati auzit probabil). Ori ati primit cel putin 1 SMS pe tema, deja.

21 December, 2009

Moscow, center of the Universe

Couple of weeks ago a hole* in the sky appeared above Moscow. Three days ago a flying pyramid was hovering over Kremlin for couple of hours. Now I am wondering, is this some kind of joke of Russia’s Secret Services, or whatever obscure organizations there could be, or is the whole stuff for real..? If the second assumption is true, then well… although I’ve always believed that we’re not alone in this Universe, and this thing now seems (to me) to be the most credible UFO evidence…………

Ring in Moscow's sky

…one’s gotta wonder, you know, about all the fuss about the end of the world, about the passing into a new age… the NEW age. Has this something to do with it, if everything is real? Is Moscow the “chosen” city if we’re all doomed in 2012? You might call me paranoid, but there’s one more point. Besides that, it was that hole* in the sky above Moscow. That’s not something one can easily fake.


*hole is just the term used widely online to describe the phenomenon. As a matter of fact I personally consider it to be more like a ring of light.


Later edit: that “hole” could have also been a meteorological phenomenon. One that not occurs very often – they say, but it does.

Found a good article that covers different aspects from all of this story. Read it here.

20 December, 2009

One story of one of my old buddies. Mario!

Guess most of you folks out there know the guy? Once I used to be a big fan, in the days when I was a kid. Now I have made these wallpapers as a tribute to the old days… to Mario times. I have created them from scratch, using Adobe Photoshop CS4. I don’t claim to be a master of digital imaging, but I do think I’ve done a pretty nice job blush2 . You can find the tutorial I’ve followed to create these images here, I wouldn’t have managed without it.

Both of these two wallpapers are 1080p, high-resolution widescreen images, 1920x1080. I will post a download link under each of them for the full-screen version. The downloaded version will be clear of my logo.

Here is the first of them, the dark-blue version. The picture is clickable, it will take you to my Flickr page, where I initially published this image.

Click to see it on my Flickr page Download the 1920x1080 version here.

Download the 1280x1024 version here.

And here is the second one, the orange version. Same here, picture is published on my Flickr page. When you click it it will take you there, without leaving this website.

Click to see it on my Flickr page

And as I said, here is the download link.

Download the 1280x1024 version here.


Thanks for watching!

28 November, 2009

Autumn romance (…yeah, right)

You know, there is something you broke, something causing to write this.

I’ve been happy to get your phone call that you’ll come over for the night, and I was really looking forward to that. You made all the thrill go away, and even caused within me a sort of rage pointed against me – yes, for being idiot enough to so much want to see you.

You came in, you did not even bother to go through the usual and boring social formalities, even considering the fact that we’re buddies now. Old pals, aren’t we? A “Hello, what’s up”, “How’s it going?” – this is what I had expected (of you). Instead you jumped right at me: “Start Skype! It’s Viola’s birthday and is midnight in Russia already! I gotta call her!

(I’m fine, thank you, glad you’ve asked! I’ve been really looking forward to meeting you! Glad that you’re here! – I thought to myself, and you’ve killed the thought in an instant.)

As my enjoyment was starting to fade away being replaced with some other bitter feelings, I open Skype and make room for you to sit on my computer. To my surprise and your disappointment, Skype did not work.

I’ve explained you that yesterday I had installed my webcam, which has a mic of its own and it made it the default recording device in my computer. My Skype settings were all overwritten by the webcam. I do understand that it is all too technical for you, but believe me I was doing my best to restore Skype functionality – so you can use it. Despite the fact that you understood that, and despite the fact that I was trying my best to help you, you still behaved like you shouldn’t have.

You’d look at the webcam, then at me as I struggle to make the microphone work, and then you’d have the nerve to dare to ask me: “Why have you installed the crap?” – relating to it. In my apartment. On my computer. Forgetting I am the one doing you a service for free, forgetting that you also used the crap on your Russian computer to broadcast your face over to your buddies. But at that time I believe it was just a webcam. When you stopped using it and returned it back to me it became crap.

I ignored that for the time being, but it was still pushing on. When I later brought it up, you’d only make stupid excuses – like you always do, instead of admitting your wrong doings. You’d tell me: “But it is late in Russia and I promised I will call her on her birthday” – thing which I perfectly understood. But despite me trying all I could to help you keep your promise, even offered you my own cell phone to place that call, you still wouldn’t admit your attitude was wrong. And your choice of words, totally inadequate.

You’re weak, you’re so weak to believe you’re always right, and to never see your mistakes. Or if you do see them, to never accept the fact that something about you is so wrong – but instead putting up a fight each time. When smarter and calmer solutions were available.

Please be smart and see far more than this – try to catch the big picture. Do you get it? Do you get the feeling that something about you isn’t as it should be?


*that’s the sweetest I could have put it.

14 November, 2009

One step closer! NASA confirms water on moon

Remeber that news one month ago about NASA planning to crash a missle into the moon so they could see from the lunar dust if there is any trace of water. Well, many people said this has been a failure. Not anymore! We have the confirmation that there is indeed water on moon. Which brings the humankind one step closer to… uhh… establishing a community on the Moon? Make life on Moon possible? Or learn how to use the resources in the solar system for our benefit here on Earth? The possibilities are endless.

06 November, 2009

Who’s my kitty?

Who’s my white, cute, fluffy, fleabag?

Answer to this question in the clip below, which is getting thousands millions of hits in views and ratings on YouTube. Great work buddy!

05 November, 2009

We’ve got street view!

Street view, street view, who’s got street view? We’ve got street view!

     I know that probably is not news anymore for somebody, but it is definitely for me. These guys from Google, they’re genuinely amazing. They’ve literally put Prague on the map… that’s right, Google MAP(s).

     Now I can go wandering around the city from the comfort of my 24” killer screen :D, and save the real thing for the summer days. As it has a tendency of turning quite coooold (brrrrr) from mid October up until end April – mid May. The weather under the influence of Siberian cold fronts.

Showing you a screen dump from Google Maps (with their new street view) of the area where I live now:

I live here

…or click here to grab the 1198x786 version. Quite a beautiful area, I’d say? But now, all that beautiful green, the crisp colors of summer, are long gone. They have been replaced by other more darker tints, by autumn. It is grey, rainy and cloudy. It gets me depressed, the memories of summer and the cold (blame Siberia02) reality outside.

This is where I work! A modern building in the heart of Prague, also street view:

And this is where I work

You can grab the 1198x786 version here.

28 October, 2009

Magnificent Russian Waltz

This Waltz is my favourite one written by the Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich. All pictures are taken in Russia, some of them quite nice. This music reflects very much Russian character, it has something national in it. Feeling happy every time I’m listening to it…

22 October, 2009

Love Story – a different kind [not for everybody to watch]

I loved you, did so much for you, and now… what you’re doing!

Oct. 22, 2009!

You know, boys ‘n gurls, what day is today? Is the day when Windows 7 officially comes out!

Details on the blog of Windows team: http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windows7/archive/2009/10/21/windows-7-s-big-day-tomorrow-new-offers-announced.aspx

19 October, 2009

She is Romanian, just like me

A Romanian girl performing “The Lonely Sheppard” live on the stage of Super Talent in Germany. The way she performs, is amazing. Plain and simple, amazing. So much touching… The emotion flows free… and jury cry.

Source: Stirile ProTV

16 October, 2009

What you’re about to hear…

…is pure human voice. No instruments, no studio edit. Pure human voices, live.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you these amazing people… THE VOCA PEOPLE!

15 October, 2009

First snow in Prague!

Date of today: October 15th, 2009. Have had a look outside, sky is grey, and snowing heavily. I know it has been a bad weather lately, but I did not expect it to snow… it sort of tends to get me depressed.

Less than a month ago, there was such a nice weather, and one could not guess that the winter will come that fast. I want the summer days back.. I guess this winter could have waited for a little more. I am sure we will have snow now, and around Christmas when it is supposed to be all white, there will be none..

Nice weather in Prague on the 27th of September, less than a month ago! (Pics also posted on my Flickr page)

Autumn in Prague

Autumn in Prague 

Autumn in Prague 

And now, after less than one month… we’ve got this. This.

First snow in Prague! Oct 15,2009! First snow in Prague! Oct 15,2009! 

Source: Prague + my Nikon Coolpix P6000

06 October, 2009

SuPeR.MaN vs. BaT.MaN

Just in case you ever wondered who’s da’ man in the neighborhood






Source: CollegeHumor.com

05 October, 2009

Expressive cats

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

…and here, some idiots!

Bonus01 Bonus02 Bonus03


Source: IziSmile.com

Ca-i d’asta de-al nostru

Cica in Caracal in fata unui bloc cu 10 etaje, un taran cosea linistit iarba… hrrrsssht… hrrrsssht… Deodata apare in zbor un ametit cu un deltaplan, care purtat de o pala de vand se izbeste de bloc pe la etajul 6-7 si se prabuseste in fata taranului. Taranul, intr-un moment mai poetic al lui, cugeta asa: “Tara de cacat, atentate de cacat!“

04 October, 2009

De la frate-miu cetire:

Ce si-o postat el pe Facebook:

Intrebare: Ce sunt fluierul piciorului si degetele mici de la picioare?

Raspuns: Dispozitive de gasire a mobilei pe intuneric.

Online Customs Calculator

image If you’re a EU citizen and you want to get yourself some expensive equipment from outside EU, then I think you might find this post useful.







This is my case now. I am about to get myself a new camera, found it on eBay.com, from several sellers already, either Hong Kong and Australia, either the States. And since for my computer (bought also from the US) I’ve been charged customs a hell lot than the figures I’ve had set up in my head, I’ve been browsing the web for ages trying to find a decent customs calculator/ simulator, whatever. I came across this site, the European Union taxation and customs, and I thought I’d share it, maybe some of you fellows out there may need it. So here it is:


Crap! Later edit: I just found on some forum that you will be likely charged VAT, depending on the VAT regulations in your country. I live now in Czech Republic, I will most likely be charged 19%, according to WorldWide-Tax.com.

29 September, 2009

Dare to cross the river?

One day, being bored at work, a colleague forwarded me this game as Excel file. I had a lot of trouble solving it, so I challenge you to solve it also. It is a logical game, to begin simply press the blue round button. In order to successfully complete it, you will need to pass all the characters on the other side of the river. But this is not simple. The rules below are simple:

1. Everybody must cross the river.

2. Only 2 people can board the bridge at one time.

3. The mother cannot be with the sons without father's presence.

4. The father cannot be with the daughters without mother's presence.

5. The prisoner cannot be left alone with any member of the family.

6. Only the Police officer and the two parents can drive the bridge.

Click on a person to make that person board the bridge. To cross the river click on one of the red levers.

This game is (was) used as a test for job interviews in Japan. You have 25 minutes to solve this riddle. Top flat!

Stupid, stupid me to return to you.

King of the world

It started at ~ 03:00 last night. At that time, I was in Austria, in Vienna, having fun with some friends, in one's of them home. Everything went fine, until something strange happened. They all left and I had been left alone with the house owner. For some reason, this guy pissed me off, and I decided to leave his house, just like the others did. But... when I was in his yard, I just realized I was holding in both of my hands 2 SMGs, and… I got back into his room, he was on his computer, and I shot him, then I destroyed his computer. After this I left for good, and I got the feeling that he didn't die, and he called his friends, told them about what had happened and sent them to chase me. These guys started to hunt me, and I found salvation at the underground station. But when I got down there, I found them all. The strange thing is that they didn't do any harm to me... and they allowed me to get on the train, to return to some other place. This underground station was dark, so cold, and I could barely see the train which was about to run over me.

I got up in, I found a seat, and in the next moment, She came up, and I could easily read on her face that she was also scared of something. I helped her to calm down, and then we both decided to go to another house there.

We made it to our next location, we settled down... we were together. After a moment a Korean girl showed up, and soon after this I found myself in a dark yard, searching for this Korean girl. I had a shank in my hand, I cannot explain what I was doing with it, until I heard a loud barking...a huge Rottweiler was running to me, barking loud, preparing to attack. When he was close, I stepped back a few steps to prepare my hit on it, and in the next moment another shank appeared in my other hand, so now I had two shanks to defend myself. The dog got scared when he saw me armed, and it lost its courage. I got the chance to hit it only one time, then this big dog ran away yelping.

It was about morning, the light came down into that dark yard... and the Korean girl came down from the balcony where she was sitting in whole this time, watching.

Suddenly I was in Brasov, in my dad's garden. There he and my little brother were working on some mortuary crosses. I got close to them, and I saw their names on the crosses, my mother's name, and my initials. They were working on our mortuary crosses for our graves. GOD...

As I was in Brasov, I wanted to get a kitten for me, as I was supposed to come back in Bucharest in the same day. But there were these three cats in the yard, all of them running, and I couldn't catch the one I wanted. Then the guys who were hunting me in Vienna appeared in there, and surrounded the cats. This time they were not hunting me, but obeying me. I told them to shoot a male cat, the one I didn't want, and at my signal, they did so.

The wounded cat fell down on the ground... I approached him, and I got him in my arms...He was bleeding and he had a heavy breath... and I felt so bad, so sorry... the cat was dying, because I gave the order to these guys to shoot... I felt this little body shivering in my arms, heard his heavy breath, and my fingers on the wounds wouldn't stop the bleeding... God... he was shivering so bad. Everyone around there disappeared and I was alone, with the dying cat in my arms... I started to cry so hard, I wanted I could do something to save this life... he could barely mew, and then he lost the strength to make any sound... the only sound was his breath, weaker and weaker with every moment... shivering all around and continuously bleeding, and my tears dropping in his fur...

Then She appeared again there and saw me crying, holding the cat close to my heart... I told her... "He wasn't guilt of anything, he didn't do anything to deserve this... he does not understand what has just happened to him, but it hurts him... he feels he will die soon, and he asks God... why am I dying for, my God?... and he will give his life because I wanted so... I am the guilty one, he doesn't deserve to die..." - and I couldn't stop crying.


I woke up. Thank God it was a dream only. I woke up crying for good, the cold tears on my pillow were the ones to wake me. Actually, at the time when I am writing these lines, I feel just like I felt in the dream. And there is nothing I can do. I am worried about the meanings of this dream, I am scared now and I miss Her so bad. I shot a guy. Then I have been attacked by a dog. Then my family members' names on crosses for their graves, and my initials also. Then I had the life of a little being free of guilt, in my hands, and with a word I took it away. Then my crying. I am thinking about another thing... She appeared in my dream two times, just when I needed support... She was there for me.

This night was enough to fuck up everything with me, and I am not doing well at all right now. What should I understand, out of everything? Which was the message that somebody up there wants me to understand? Where have I been last night? These thoughts freak me out completely, I cannot describe what I am feeling now, as I am conscious.

I am scared.


27 September, 2009

So it works. NIS 2010 bought from eBay is actually genuine

This is just a follow up of my last post, in which I was considering getting a license for Norton Internet Security 2010 from eBay instead of purchasing it from Symantec. At that time (2 days ago I guess) I wrote on Tom’s Hardware forum, asking whether or not a license purchased from eBay is legit or not. People advised me to not purchase it from eBay as it could be automatically generated with a keygen, or stolen, or whatever, and it will get blacklisted by Symantec as soon as I’d try to update.

Well, the reason I am writing now is that I actually won the auction on eBay for it and bought it for $16,99, while on Symantec.com is $79,99… and I could not withdraw my bid, as if I was to follow the advices from the thread on Tom’s Hardware. The seller emailed me the license minutes after the auction was closed and I used it to activate NIS 2010 at once. It worked. To my surprise, it worked. It is a license for 3 users, for 2 years. Gave one to my brother, gave one to my girlfriend, and will keep one to use on my own computer. See pictures below, which will show the subscription period and also the screenshot from my Norton account, which did not blacklist this license.Click to see it on my Flickr page

Click to grab the 1280x1024 version.

Click to see it on my Flickr page

Here’s the link to grab the 1280x1024 version.


So apparently, everything went fine, but I still do not understand one thing: why it is on eBay that cheap while on Symantec is 4x more expensive.

Warrior cat

Cats…amazing fluffy little creatures…expressive and so… unpredictable :-)

26 September, 2009

I like: [or Where’s my chips!!]

Well, if it comes down to that, then… I like: Fries. Chips. Spuds. Potatoes. Praties. Mashed potatoes. Chips. Fries. Fries. Chips. But at certain moments, they tend to be invisible. I’m not quite sure whether I like them the most or the reason they go INVISIBLE, but well… See below why is that! [00:31 video]

25 September, 2009

NIS 2010: Symantec vs. eBay

I am a big fan of Symantec products. I have been using Norton Internet Security ever since I got my first computer. But never actually bought a license for it. Recently I was considering buying one for NIS 2010 (which is an amazing product), to use on my new computer, and mostly out of curiosity, I went searching for it on eBay. To my surprise, I was able to find it for sale on auctions starting at $0,01!! And there are several sellers who offer it for sale, and if you look at the feedback these people received from the others who bought it already, you will see that they have sold VALID licenses! See a screenshot I’ve made below, in case the auction will not be available anymore at the moment you read this post:

NIS 2010 for $1,50

...and now I am wondering. A license for NIS 2010 is somewhere around €79,99 on Symantec.com. Why would Symantec agree to provide a valid license on eBay for as little as $10 or even under?

What's the trick? Would I be getting a good deal if I go on and purchase if from eBay? Would Symantec recognize it as a valid license?



Later edit: I won the auction on eBay and I paid for it. Seller sent it to my PayPal email address, and I used it to activate. It worked. I have put the screens with activation and its status in my Norton account here: http://www.criss-ac.net/2009/09/so-it-works-nis-2010-bought-from-ebay.html

24 September, 2009

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Past, future… is there something missing?

We were here

32 months ago… at that time, I used to love her. Used to love her silently, never spoke my heart to anyone. At the moment I am writing this, the memories of her are still strong. And I miss…


“I did love you. I loved you almost since the first moment you revealed yourself to me. I loved you more and more as the days were passing, as much as I was realizing how special and different you were.
Loved you because you were representing the future itself, so full of dreams, plans and hopes. I loved you because you were something I thought I could never become, I loved you for your open mind and spirit… for your pure freedom that I do (can’t afford myself) not have.

Because you were doing so well on your own… but not me. I have been always relating to someone, always wanting something which wasn't up to me to get. Too much hand of fortune in my life, until I reached the point of my self-awakening. I almost forgot about my power to build what I want.

I continuously loved you... loved you until I realized I am just... just exactly as you are. Either I am what I used to call "different and special" when it came about you, either you... you lost that thing which made you so special to me, that thing that made me fall for you. We are simply too much alike, I want you... just... just to surprise me. Do not allow me to get to know you... be my friend, but also be a "stranger".


Have thought a lot, during the last 2 months about what I just posted. I just wanted to see how sincerely I allow myself to be with myself, and how hard could it be to deal with my actual feelings. It’s hard, almost a burden, to have the feelings. I am Cris. Sincere as much as I could be.

It will all get its meaning into the right eyes, at the right time…”