20 August, 2009

Window Phone Concept: weather forecast in your palm!

While idly browsing the web, I found something totally awesome Idea: a gadget which is called Window Phone, and what’s basically? It’s just a piece of polished transparent glass, able to display the current weather conditions just by blowing onto it. If it is a sunny day Smart icon for sunny day, it will remain a transparent clear glass, behaving like an usual phone. If it rains Rain for instance, it will display water drops. If it is cold, snowy or whatever Umbrella, it will be steamy. It will not get steamy actually Nerd, it will only display it. Scroll down the post to see images.

  BB1 BB2 BB3

NOTE! This is only a concept – don’t go eBaying for it. Don't go eBaying for it! 


Source: http://www.tuvie.com/window-phone-blow-your-cell-phone-to-write-a-text-message


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