Date of today: October 15th, 2009. Have had a look outside, sky is grey, and snowing heavily. I know it has been a bad weather lately, but I did not expect it to snow… it sort of tends to get me depressed.
Less than a month ago, there was such a nice weather, and one could not guess that the winter will come that fast. I want the summer days back.. I guess this winter could have waited for a little more. I am sure we will have snow now, and around Christmas when it is supposed to be all white, there will be none..
Nice weather in Prague on the 27th of September, less than a month ago! (Pics also posted on my Flickr page)

And now, after less than one month… we’ve got this. This.

Source: Prague + my Nikon Coolpix P6000
I love those first pics:D So colourfull! :P
but I think snow is nice;)))
I also think snow is nice... if it is in December! (somewhere around Christmas)
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