Acum 20 de ani au iesit in strada. Au iesit, satui de viata care le-a fost impusa. Satui de comandantul prea-iubit. Satui de foame. …ce paradox. Au iesit sa ceara schimbare. In schimb, au primit moarte. Timisoreni, bucuresteni, oameni din toata tara. Au murit pentru ca au dorit un viitor mai bun. Au murit pentru schimbare. Dupa 20 de ani trecuti acum, ce e diferit? Ce s-a schimbat?
*De la frate-miu pe YouTube.
Nice blog!!! Found it on your flickr profile! Unfortunatley I dont understand your language:P
Hi! Usually I try to post in English - as much as possible, because this is the kind of audience that I'm aiming at. What you see in this post is a clip made by my brother and posted on his YouTube profile. It is a tribute to the people that were killed by the "our beloved" commander's army during the Revolution that brought down the communism, back in 1989, and for this reason I wrote this post in Romanian, my native language.
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