At a moment, He said to me: "...and what makes you think you're an usual man?" ("...I do not know, perhaps it is the fact that I have lost faith in all that used to keep me going so far? Or maybe it is the people that I've surrounded myself with? Or maybe it is because this particular person that I've got into my life is such a character, and she takes from me even the mere freedom of having a dream of my own?)
Right after He spoke, a woman with her little baby came to this tree without a noise, without me noticing her. I was wondering why He stopped speaking... Why you stopped talking to me?
I've seen the woman and in my crazed mind, I made her go away...
The very next moment, my alarm rang. Yes, I woke up. Was all a dream -- and still puzzled out... what did you want me to see? What were you trying to show me? I'm up now, but... but also down.